In the EJB case, only username_password is supported. the sas-context subsection is used to specify which attributes are to be included in the security context. For EJBs, this is used to propagate the caller identity in& ...
read-only ejblocalobject
DEBUG nio - Started channel thread `Remoting "config-based-ejb-client-endpoint" read-1`, selector sun.nio.ch.WindowsSelectorImpl@100ab23. DEBUG nio - Started channel thread .... final Ejb12Home ejbHome = (Ejb12Home) context.lookup("<wbr>ejb:/"+ moduleName + "/" + beanName + "!" + viewClassName);. Ejb12Remote remote = ejbHome.create(); .... With the last answer I meant that everything works fine. The only thing that worries me are these logs. Like Show 0& ...
CreateException; public interface StockQuoteHome extends EJBHome { public StockQuote create() throws RemoteException, CreateException; } // Bean Implementation Class in EJB 2.x - StockQuoteBean.java package stockquote; import .... (<wbr>Applicable only to. Stateful session bean.) @Init : The annotated method is the initialization method of the stateful session bean. This is different from @PostConstruct . @Init is called first and then @PostConstruct is called.
Query-caching is a WebLogic Server 9.0 feature that allows the EJB container to cache results for arbitrary non-primary-key finders defined on read-only EJBs. All of these parameters can be set in the application/module deployment descriptors. ... When using weblogic-ql, this feature only works with finder methods that return references to either EJBObject or EJBLocalObject beans. Specify the relationship-caching element in weblogic-cmp-jar.xml, as shown in this& ...
In the EJB case, only username_password is supported. the sas-context subsection is used to specify which attributes are to be included in the security context. For EJBs, this is used to propagate the caller identity in& ...
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